Sunday, April 25, 2010

"Come Home"

"A Friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else."

I want to start out this post by asking a question that all of us wish answered at least once in our lives. Why is it, that the people we love, trust, care about, or think we love, trust and care about always seem to let us down one time or another? My answer to this very frustrating and complex question is simple. We hold those we love to too high of standards. But is that so much to ask? Is it really too much to ask those who supposedly care about us more than anyone, to reach that level that lets me know they are doing what they can to stand out? I mean sure, there are going to be those times with your family where they may not please you, but that's not what I'm talking about. Family is family, and in my world they are a rock and really seem to be the only ones who can bounce back from a tiny letdown, if there is ever one at all. This collection of thoughts is aimed more at those who have the freedom to come and go as they please. The friend who comes crashing into your life, and is determined to remain there. There will be times in my life where I'm not in as cheery of a mood as the day you met me, how will you react?

How can I trust you? Why does it matter that I trust you? Friends are just friends, there is no bond like that of a boyfriend/girlfriend or a husband/wife meaning you have to stay through thick and thin. You are free to come and go, and you probably will. Everyone else has. I must be such a tough friend that I've even had the best of them pass on to the next life. Was this God's plan to have me remain truly friendless? Are the friends in my life right now true friends? Are they going to remain there once I make some decisions? Do the decisions that they make, which I don't like or agree with serve a purpose? Are they God's way of telling me that these people will not benefit my life? But am I even benefiting their life? I want to be a positive influence to them all, but when they have no sense of what they want or what it means to be a true friend, what can I even do for them? In my eyes, I don't have to be dating a girl to care deeply for her. To care enough to want to protect her. To protect her body. To protect her emotions. And most importantly protect her heart. However, some throw that back at you, so why care for others in that way? Am I just supposed to be that friend who is completely relaxed with no ambitions and no cares for myself or for you? That's not who I am! If that's what you're looking for, you've found your new friends and you know where to find them. But know this, I will not change. I will not change the way I care for people, and more importantly the way I care for you. So when it comes to those friends, you will not find me with them!

"If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile...But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me."

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