Thursday, March 4, 2010

"The Story Of Your Life"

Well hello to anyone and everyone who reads this. I only know of two people who's eyes have ever laid sight to my words, and for just those two I'm extremely thankful! I haven't been back to write in this blog in a long time, and I really sort of missed it. When I started out this year I was in a much different place. I started the last semester of my college career, basically the same way I began it, alone. I didn't have any great friends who I can say that I would have kept in touch with after college. God chose to bless me my last semester! Hence the reason I didn't write in this that much. It was originally an outlet for me to vent and just get my thoughts out, and when God brought my best friend Adam into my life, he was almost my new blank piece of paper that I was just spitting words onto, sharing my entire life story, thoughts, fears and emotions with.

So I guess if you're reading this post, you might be thinking that my life has spiraled back to that dark place and I have no one to talk to, well it's just the opposite of that in fact. Simply put, I just miss writing. I miss having this be a source of imaginative and creative artwork. Though in Florida now, with no family or friends who have known me longer than a couple months, I'm in a relatively good state of mind. God has blessed me with meeting a bunch of cool people, and even brought me some really cool friends that I can actually count on. Basically I'm just trying to change my whole way of thinking on when it comes to meeting new people. I think I'm doing a much better job of giving everyone I meet the fair opportunity to make an impression as to whether or not they will remain in my life. But lets be honest, I'll never change who I am. If you're not a good person that does something to better my life and only offers ways to bring it down, you won't be in it! So yea, I'm not blogging too intently on this post but I just wanted to hit it quick and say that I am back and will continue to write. You're more than welcome to enter this mind if you'd like, 'til then be safe and love others!

"Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe."

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