Sunday, September 13, 2009

"The First Single"

Well, I don't exactly know who's going to read this....if anyone, but that doesn't really matter to me. I'm at a point in my life where i need a place to vent and as lame and pathetic as it sounds, just speak my mind and share my feelings. I'm at a crossroads point in my life right now. My life has been pretty crazy this past year, and in no place near where i thought or wanted it to be! If i can take you back to around December 25th, i was at a great points of my life. 2008 was just wrapping up and i was in love with the most beautiful and amazing girl on this planet! Sure, we had our differences but what couple didn't?!?! It kept things exciting and always fresh and real. Then the new year of 2009 started and I had big plans for it. All of them revolved around me being happy and moving forward with this girl. Then, all of the sudden, things started spiraling out of control. Take a look...

When February rolls around, i find out on the 6th, which i believe was a friday afternoon, that my best friend since kindergarten, Kevin Joseph Boskey, had died. about a major shocker and something that was completely unexpected. On that same day i found out that my grandmother was entering hospice. Thus the preview for my tragedy for the next month. March rolls around and with our yearly Disney trip one week away, where i will also see my amazing girlfriend, my grandmother who made all our Disney dreams possible passes away. We take that trip in honor of her! April rolls around and I received the news that might have been even a little bit more shocking to me than my best friend passing away. Kathryn broke up with me. I never saw this coming to be honest. We had such an amazing connection, or at least i thought we did.....

It was a random spiral of events that has put me into the mood i'm in right now, and until the next post, which you should look forward to, i will try and grab a handful of thoughts out of the millions doing laps inside my head and try and stick them to this page! Out.....

"You can't be the center of your life and try to make any sense of it!"

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